Beha­vi­oral Therapy

Behavioral therapy briefly explained

Beha­vi­oral the­ra­py (BT) is a gene­ric term for a who­le spec­trum of forms of psy­cho­the­ra­py. In all of them, howe­ver, the focus is on hel­ping peo­p­le to help them­sel­ves. BT assu­mes that sym­ptoms of ill­ness are signs of lear­ned mis­con­duct. The faul­ty beha­vi­oral pat­terns, which usual­ly begin in ear­ly child­hood, can thus be chan­ged again through new lear­ning processes.

Cogni­ti­ve beha­vi­oral the­ra­py (CBT) is con­side­red sym­ptom-ori­en­ted becau­se it focu­ses on trea­ting indi­vi­du­al sym­ptoms. Cen­tral to CBT are the pro­ble­ma­tic beha­vi­or and the con­di­ti­ons that cau­se and main­tain the unwan­ted symptoms.

Today, cogni­ti­ve beha­vi­oral the­ra­py, in com­bi­na­ti­on with clas­sic beha­vi­oral the­ra­py methods, is one of the most effec­ti­ve psy­cho­the­ra­peu­tic methods for a ran­ge of men­tal disorders.

Cogni­ti­ve the­ra­py aims to help the pati­ent reco­gni­ze irra­tio­nal dys­func­tion­al pat­terns of thin­king, such as thin­king errors and nega­ti­ve auto­ma­tic thoughts, and to replace them with alter­na­ti­ve, healt­hy thought and imagery pat­terns. This is cal­led cogni­ti­ve restructuring.

How we proceed

First, we look tog­e­ther at how the cur­rent problems/symptoms came about, becau­se insight and know­ledge are an important first step in any case. I will then pro­vi­de you with methods for over­co­ming the­se pro­blems, which we will prac­ti­ce, use in a tar­ge­ted man­ner, and com­bi­ne with a rela­xa­ti­on method that suits you. The­se methods include skills trai­ning, pro­blem-sol­ving, and stress manage­ment. By lear­ning the methods, your skills will deve­lop and impro­ve. In this way, we expand your capa­ci­ty to act and enable you to bet­ter self-regu­la­te, so that per­so­nal chal­lenges can be mas­te­red and unwan­ted beha­vi­oral pat­terns can be unlear­ned or repla­ced by new ones.

Beha­vi­oral Therapy

Behavioral therapy briefly explained

Beha­vi­oral the­ra­py (BT) is a gene­ric term for a who­le spec­trum of forms of psy­cho­the­ra­py. In all of them, howe­ver, the focus is on hel­ping peo­p­le to help them­sel­ves. BT assu­mes that sym­ptoms of ill­ness are signs of lear­ned mis­con­duct. The faul­ty beha­vi­oral pat­terns, which usual­ly begin in ear­ly child­hood, can thus be chan­ged again through new lear­ning processes.

Cogni­ti­ve beha­vi­oral the­ra­py (CBT) is con­side­red sym­ptom-ori­en­ted becau­se it focu­ses on trea­ting indi­vi­du­al sym­ptoms. Cen­tral to CBT are the pro­ble­ma­tic beha­vi­or and the con­di­ti­ons that cau­se and main­tain the unwan­ted symptoms.

Today, cogni­ti­ve beha­vi­oral the­ra­py, in com­bi­na­ti­on with clas­sic beha­vi­oral the­ra­py methods, is one of the most effec­ti­ve psy­cho­the­ra­peu­tic methods for a ran­ge of men­tal disorders.

Cogni­ti­ve the­ra­py aims to help the pati­ent reco­gni­ze irra­tio­nal dys­func­tion­al pat­terns of thin­king, such as thin­king errors and nega­ti­ve auto­ma­tic thoughts, and to replace them with alter­na­ti­ve, healt­hy thought and imagery pat­terns. This is cal­led cogni­ti­ve restructuring.

How we proceed

First, we look tog­e­ther at how the cur­rent problems/symptoms came about, becau­se insight and know­ledge are an important first step in any case. I will then pro­vi­de you with methods for over­co­ming the­se pro­blems, which we will prac­ti­ce, use in a tar­ge­ted man­ner, and com­bi­ne with a rela­xa­ti­on method that suits you. The­se methods include skills trai­ning, pro­blem-sol­ving, and stress manage­ment. By lear­ning the methods, your skills will deve­lop and impro­ve. In this way, we expand your capa­ci­ty to act and enable you to bet­ter self-regu­la­te, so that per­so­nal chal­lenges can be mas­te­red and unwan­ted beha­vi­oral pat­terns can be unlear­ned or repla­ced by new ones.

„A man’s only real ene­my is his own nega­ti­ve thoughts.”

 — Albert Einstein -

„Die ein­zi­gen wirk­li­chen Fein­de eines Men­schen sind sei­ne eige­nen nega­ti­ven Gedanken.”

Albert Ein­stein