Psy­cho­lo­gi­cal Con­se­quen­ces of the Pandemic

The num­ber of men­tal ill­nesses has increased world­wi­de sin­ce the out­break of the Coro­na Pan­de­mic – abo­ve all, depres­si­ve dis­or­ders and anxie­ty dis­or­ders. The lack of inter­ac­tion with other peo­p­le and the loneli­ne­ss expe­ri­en­ced as a result, school clo­sures, and the gene­ral uncer­tain­ty have put an enorm­ous amount of pres­su­re on many peo­p­le. Many have gre­at dif­fi­cul­ty adap­ting to the con­stant­ly chan­ging deve­lo­p­ments and feel over­whel­med by the enti­re situation.

Ever­yo­ne has pro­ba­b­ly expe­ri­en­ced at leas one of the fol­lo­wing thoughts:

  • I worry about…
  • Wha­t’s next?
  • Can I rea­li­ze my plans?
  • Nor­ma­li­ty – what is it?
  • Should I do this or that?
  • What should I think?
  • I don’t even know how to inter­act with other peo­p­le anymore!
  • Is it a cold or Corona?
  • What are the cur­rent regu­la­ti­ons? I do not under­stand this anymore…
  • Are online les­sons taking place again?

We can also beco­me stres­sed and frus­tra­ted by the varie­ty of opi­ni­ons and the ways other peo­p­le behave around us. All the­se things put a lot of strain on our brains, so it’s under­stan­da­ble and human to feel a bit lost and over­whel­med as a result.

Psy­cho­lo­gi­cal Con­se­quen­ces of the Pandemic

The num­ber of men­tal ill­nesses has increased world­wi­de sin­ce the out­break of the Coro­na Pan­de­mic – abo­ve all, depres­si­ve dis­or­ders and anxie­ty dis­or­ders. The lack of inter­ac­tion with other peo­p­le and the loneli­ne­ss expe­ri­en­ced as a result, school clo­sures, and the gene­ral uncer­tain­ty have put an enorm­ous amount of pres­su­re on many peo­p­le. Many have gre­at dif­fi­cul­ty adap­ting to the con­stant­ly chan­ging deve­lo­p­ments and feel over­whel­med by the enti­re situation.

Everyone has probably experienced at least one of the following thoughts:

  • I worry about…
  • Wha­t’s next?
  • Can I rea­li­ze my plans?
  • Nor­ma­li­ty – what is that?
  • Should I do this or that?
  • What should I think?
  • I don’t even know how to inter­act with other peo­p­le anymore!
  • Is it a cold or Corona?
  • What are the cur­rent regu­la­ti­ons? I do not under­stand this anymore…
  • Are online les­sons taking place again?

We can also beco­me stres­sed and frus­tra­ted by the varie­ty of opi­ni­ons and the ways other peo­p­le behave around us. All the­se things put a lot of strain on our brains, so it’s under­stan­da­ble and human to feel a bit lost and over­whel­med as a result.