PMR – Jacobson’s Pro­gres­si­ve Mus­cle Relaxation

What is PMR?

PMR — pro­gres­si­ve mus­cle rela­xa­ti­on is a simp­le tech­ni­que that anyo­ne can learn and is abso­lut­e­ly risk-free. You can easi­ly incor­po­ra­te it into ever­y­day life, even during the lunch break at work, and it requi­res no tools. Depen­ding on your pre­fe­rence, PMR can be per­for­med while sit­ting or lying down.

Indi­vi­du­al mus­cle groups are alter­na­te­ly and sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly con­trac­ted for a few seconds and then rela­xed again. I would be hap­py to show you in my prac­ti­ce how to pro­ceed and what to look out for. With this gui­dance, you can learn how to bring your body and mind into a sta­te of rela­xa­ti­on in just a few minu­tes and repeat this exer­cise on your own as needed.

PMR – Jacobson’s Pro­gres­si­ve Mus­cle Relaxation

What is PMR?

PMR — pro­gres­si­ve mus­cle rela­xa­ti­on is a simp­le tech­ni­que that anyo­ne can learn and is abso­lut­e­ly risk-free. You can easi­ly incor­po­ra­te it into ever­y­day life, even during the lunch break at work, and it requi­res no tools. Depen­ding on your pre­fe­rence, PMR can be per­for­med while sit­ting or lying down.

Indi­vi­du­al mus­cle groups are alter­na­te­ly and sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly con­trac­ted for a few seconds and then rela­xed again. I would be hap­py to show you in my prac­ti­ce how to pro­ceed and what to look out for. With this gui­dance, you can learn how to bring your body and mind into a sta­te of rela­xa­ti­on in just a few minu­tes and repeat this exer­cise on your own as needed.