Cri­sis Intervention

A cri­sis is defi­ned as an exis­ten­ti­al­ly threa­tening event. This can affect anyo­ne and usual­ly occurs unex­pec­ted­ly. A life cri­sis can occur during cri­ti­cal life events, for exam­p­le after a sud­den sepa­ra­ti­on, the loss of a job, an acci­dent, ill­ness, or even death. The resul­ting nega­ti­ve fee­lings make you feel hel­p­less and power­less. This fee­ling of “being at the mer­cy of others” can lead to an acu­te stress reac­tion, an adjus­t­ment dis­or­der, or, in very seve­re cases, even to post-trau­ma­tic stress dis­or­der (PTSD). Fami­ly and fri­ends can often only help to a limi­t­ed ext­ent or feel over­whel­med by the situa­ti­on. As an out­side obser­ver, I can assist you in such an acu­te cri­sis in a pro­tec­ted envi­ron­ment, help to bring struc­tu­re to the “cha­os,” work out coping mecha­nisms and solu­ti­ons tog­e­ther with you, and acti­va­te your per­so­nal resources.

Cri­sis Intervention

A cri­sis is defi­ned as an exis­ten­ti­al­ly threa­tening event. This can affect anyo­ne and usual­ly occurs unex­pec­ted­ly. A life cri­sis can occur during cri­ti­cal life events, for exam­p­le after a sud­den sepa­ra­ti­on, the loss of a job, an acci­dent, ill­ness, or even death. The resul­ting nega­ti­ve fee­lings make you feel hel­p­less and power­less. This fee­ling of “being at the mer­cy of others” can lead to an acu­te stress reac­tion, an adjus­t­ment dis­or­der, or, in very seve­re cases, even to post-trau­ma­tic stress dis­or­der (PTSD).

Fami­ly and fri­ends can often only help to a limi­t­ed ext­ent or feel over­whel­med by the situa­ti­on. As an out­side obser­ver, I can assist you in such an acu­te cri­sis in a pro­tec­ted envi­ron­ment, help to bring struc­tu­re to the “cha­os,” work out coping mecha­nisms and solu­ti­ons tog­e­ther with you, and acti­va­te your per­so­nal resources.