
Why is it so difficult to make a decision?

Making decis­i­ons is dif­fi­cult. For every “yes” the­re must ulti­m­ate­ly be a “no.” Decis­i­ons are cos­t­ly becau­se they requi­re sacri­fice. A decis­i­on con­fronts us not only with the ext­ent to which we crea­te our­sel­ves, but also with the limits of our possibilities.

When we choo­se one thing, we exclude some­thing else. Choo­sing a par­ti­cu­lar part­ner, care­er, or school means giving up other poten­ti­al part­ners, care­ers, and schools.

Nowa­days the­re are more oppor­tu­ni­ties and free­dom to deve­lop per­so­nal­ly. What might seem very posi­ti­ve for one per­son can be anxie­ty-rid­den for the other. Maxi­mum free­dom can be accom­pa­nied by maxi­mum inse­cu­ri­ty and fear of the future.

Every per­son alre­a­dy has the ans­wers to such decis­i­on-making ques­ti­ons, often just lack­ing access to them. To make this access easier or even to crea­te it, I would be hap­py to assist you. Through tar­ge­ted ques­ti­ons, role play and sys­te­mic tech­ni­ques, we can explo­re the­se ans­wers together.


Why is it so difficult to make a decision?

Making decis­i­ons is dif­fi­cult. For every “yes” the­re must ulti­m­ate­ly be a “no.” Decis­i­ons are cos­t­ly becau­se they requi­re sacri­fice. A decis­i­on con­fronts us not only with the ext­ent to which we crea­te our­sel­ves, but also with the limits of our possibilities.

When we choo­se one thing, we exclude some­thing else. Choo­sing a par­ti­cu­lar part­ner, care­er, or school means giving up other poten­ti­al part­ners, care­ers, and schools.

Nowa­days the­re are more oppor­tu­ni­ties and free­dom to deve­lop per­so­nal­ly. What might seem very posi­ti­ve for one per­son can be anxie­ty-rid­den for the other. Maxi­mum free­dom can be accom­pa­nied by maxi­mum inse­cu­ri­ty and fear of the future.

Every per­son alre­a­dy has the ans­wers to such decis­i­on-making ques­ti­ons, often just lack­ing access to them. To make this access easier or even to crea­te it, I would be hap­py to assist you. Through tar­ge­ted ques­ti­ons, role play and sys­te­mic tech­ni­ques, we can explo­re the­se ans­wers together.

„If the path ahead is clear, then you are pro­ba­b­ly on someone else’s.”

Carl Gus­tav Jung

„If the path ahead is clear, then you are pro­ba­b­ly on someone else’s.”

Carl Gus­tav Jung