Depres­si­on is often unex­pec­ted and is more than just fee­ling down. One of the key sym­ptoms is a depres­si­ve mood, but it is also cha­rac­te­ri­zed by list­less­ness and loss of inte­rest. You feel sad or emp­ty, some even feel a “fee­ling of numb­ness.” Things that used to be fun no lon­ger have any appeal, and you don’t have the strength or moti­va­ti­on to do them any­way. You iso­la­te yours­elf, sleep a lot and no lon­ger take care of your own needs.

Ever­y­day tasks such as get­ting up in the mor­ning, showe­ring and going to work are beco­ming incre­asing­ly dif­fi­cult, and in seve­re cases, sui­ci­dal thoughts may also occur.

Loss of libi­do, trou­ble slee­ping, and signi­fi­cant loss of appe­ti­te and weight can also accom­pa­ny depres­si­on, as can many other phy­si­cal sym­ptoms. Cli­ni­cal­ly, a distinc­tion is made bet­ween a mild, mode­ra­te, and seve­re depres­si­ve episode.

Depres­si­on, even a mild epi­so­de, tends to get worse if left unt­rea­ted, often resul­ting in a down­ward spi­ral. It is the­r­e­fo­re advi­sa­ble to take action as soon as the first sym­ptoms appear.

Depres­si­on is often unex­pec­ted and is more than just fee­ling down. One of the key sym­ptoms is a depres­si­ve mood, but it is also cha­rac­te­ri­zed by list­less­ness and loss of inte­rest. You feel sad or emp­ty, some even feel a “fee­ling of numb­ness.” Things that used to be fun no lon­ger have any appeal, and you don’t have the strength or moti­va­ti­on to do them any­way. You iso­la­te yours­elf, sleep a lot and no lon­ger take care of your own needs.

Ever­y­day tasks such as get­ting up in the mor­ning, showe­ring and going to work are beco­ming incre­asing­ly dif­fi­cult, and in seve­re cases, sui­ci­dal thoughts may also occur.

Loss of libi­do, trou­ble slee­ping, and signi­fi­cant loss of appe­ti­te and weight can also accom­pa­ny depres­si­on, as can many other phy­si­cal sym­ptoms. Cli­ni­cal­ly, a distinc­tion is made bet­ween a mild, mode­ra­te, and seve­re depres­si­ve episode.

Depres­si­on, even a mild epi­so­de, tends to get worse if left unt­rea­ted, often resul­ting in a down­ward spi­ral. It is the­r­e­fo­re advi­sa­ble to take action as soon as the first sym­ptoms appear.

„Depression is like a woman in black. If she appears, don’t scare her away. Invite her, offer her a seat, treat her like a guest, and listen to what she wants to say.”

- Carl Gus­tav Jung

“Depres­si­on is like a woman in black. If she appears, don’t sca­re her away. Invi­te her, offer her a seat, tre­at her like a guest, and lis­ten to what she wants to say.”

- Carl Gus­tav Jung