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Public trans­port

My prac­ti­ce is loca­ted very cen­tral­ly in the midd­le of Nurem­ber­g’s Old Town. It is easie­st to reach by taking the U‑Bahn Line U1 to the Lorenz­kir­che stop, exi­ting towards Haupt­markt. From the­re, it is only about a 2‑minute walk.


By car, dri­ve to the Nurem­berg city cen­ter on Adler­stra­ße. At the end of the street, on the left side, you will find the Adler­park­haus, whe­re the­re are ple­nty of par­king opti­ons. It is also only about a 2‑minute walk from the par­king garage.

Pro­tec­ted location

The pre­mi­ses are situa­ted direct­ly on the shop­ping street König­stra­ße, but the ent­rance is loca­ted at the cor­ner of Adler­stra­ße, ensu­ring maxi­mum dis­cre­ti­on. The prac­ti­ce is on the 3rd flo­or of a com­mer­cial buil­ding, with a small ele­va­tor available (unfort­u­na­te­ly not wheel­chair accessible)

Public transport

My prac­ti­ce is loca­ted very cen­tral­ly in the midd­le of Nurem­ber­g’s Old Town. It is easie­st to reach by taking the U‑Bahn Line U1 to the Lorenz­kir­che stop, exi­ting towards Haupt­markt. From the­re, it is only about a 2‑minute walk.


By car, dri­ve to the Nurem­berg city cen­ter on Adler­stra­ße. At the end of the street, on the left side, you will find the Adler­park­haus, whe­re the­re are ple­nty of par­king opti­ons. It is also only about a 2‑minute walk from the par­king garage.

Protected location

The pre­mi­ses are situa­ted direct­ly on the shop­ping street König­stra­ße, but the ent­rance is loca­ted at the cor­ner of Adler­stra­ße, ensu­ring maxi­mum dis­cre­ti­on. The prac­ti­ce is on the 3rd flo­or of a com­mer­cial buil­ding, with a small ele­va­tor available (unfort­u­na­te­ly not wheel­chair accessible)